Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Things I See

I get to go into a lot of spaces in my line of work. Some spaces take your breath away.

Sunrise while heading east to pick up equipment.

Some spaces reward you with a meal.

Some spaces allow you to see things in unexpected places. Such was the case on Wednesday.

If you could peel this off the surface where I saw it, it would probably be worth quite a bit. Otto Kerner, Jr, was Illinois governor from 1961 to 1968. I have no idea if time has weathered the bumper sticker or if it was printed like this. He has the dubious distinction of being the first of 4 Illinois governor to be convicted of fraud of some sort. He was not a sitting governor at the time of his trial and conviction.

I think this predates the bumper sticker, but maybe not by much. It's clear this hasn't worked in a very, very long time. It's just quite interesting that this location still has it. They also had a "friend" sitting next to it.

Oh my lord. Let's get out some James Taylor, Chicago or Little River Band should we? It's a Hotpoint brand avocado-colored top freezer refrigerator. I remember these. They were the middle of the line of fridges one could get. You don't hear much about the brand although it's still around. Thankfully, kitchens decorated solely in harvest gold, bittersweet or avocado are not. And don't get me started on those dangly ball-trim things you used to edge your kitchen curtains with. There are some things that shouldn't ever come back, ever.

Finally, this kind of made me sad. I'm reasonably sure it's a sundial. The dial portion is still there but the mechanism which would allow it to tell time appears to be gone. The location of this piece is adjacent to a huge public works highway project. I've thought about asking the owners of the building where it's located if they intend to fix it. Probably not. It's really not worth anything and people are not encouraged to be in this location as they might have been 20+ years ago. Plus, in this day and age, the only reason it's still standing is because it's cemented into the ground. If it was fixed would someone break off the time piece just because they can?

It does make me think about the sundial I have in my back yard. It's hidden behind overgrown brush. I should get it out and do something with it. And that leads to the idea that I need to haul the book "Time Lord" from the stash and read it. Sometimes I wonder exactly what time it would be if we'd never done time zones.

Beverage:  Water


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