Tuesday, July 19, 2011


A couple of friends sent emails asking for an update on my health. So, I shall oblige.

I think my left hand looks swollen still, especially in the fingers. I made an oops last month in paying bills, forgetting to pay the gas bill. I couldn't understand, when I got this month's bill, why they claimed I owed them for last month. Hadn't I paid...oops. Guess not.

So, this has meant that I needed to send them something, as I can't pay the whole bill now. That cut into my reserves meaning I had no money until I received an expense check today, to go get my Meloxicam. I toughed it out over the weekend.

What I learned is that my wrists have healed to 90%. My thumbs are at 80%. The pinky fingers are at 95%. The middle fingers, maybe 30% better. I still don't understand why both of my middle fingers hurt so badly. I didn't land on them.

My knees are 15% better. The left one is much better than the right one, but, as a whole, they are very, very, very slowly improving. The Meloxicam does work at helping me deal with the pain. It was so very hard to stand up and sit down over the weekend. If I can get up, I can get going and my knees don't hurt.  But I tire easily and have to sit down after about 45 minutes to an hour of standing.

I still have the cough from the sinus infection but the infection itself is gone. I forced myself to take the last 3 days of the antibiotic but have tried to remind myself that the next time this happens, I must tell the doctor that more than a week of these designer antibiotics cause me to be sick to my stomach within 10 minutes of taking them, with or without food. It is not pleasant. The cough is diminishing and I figure it will be contained with allergy meds or cough drops.

I'm angry at myself for screwing up my bill paying system. This is going to have a cascading effect because I have to pay this all off next month and I'm not making the overtime to do that. I'm worried that, because things are really tight right now, this will continue into next month. I was doing so well, too. I can't even find last month's bill. I have the sickening feeling it got stuffed accidentally into some junk mail and recycled.

So, life is on hold right now. I'm eating up what I can find in the fridge. I have to try to juggle some money so I can put gas in the car to drive to an installation in Indiana on Thursday. There's no money for new kitty litter or cereal until next week. And I'm out of raisins! How can I eat my weekend oatmeal without raisins?

Oh well, this is nothing I haven't dealt with before. I'll get the Meloxicam tomorrow and I'll be able to, if not jump out of bed in the morning, at least not groan when I stand up.

Beverage:  Water


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