We had some real rumblers through yesterday afternoon. The sky got dark and I could hear it coming so I turned off the computer, grabbed the stitching and went to the living room. Pilchard came but the first flash followed by a crack boom sent her scurrying into the office to hide under the cedar chest. I simply called to her occasionally knowing she'd come out when she was ready.
In the meantime, Mija decided to sit in my lap. This is a major event because she usually doesn't want anything to do with my lap unless I'm eating. Heaven help me if it's a deli turkey sandwich. She doesn't like ham, only turkey. But the noise of the thunderstorm and my willingness to scratch ears possibly contributed to sitting in the lap.
Pilchard came out after about 10 minutes and wanted my lap. Seeing it occupied, she jumped up next to me, curled up and lay down. She was close enough for ear scratching. She would start when there was thunder but, eventually, she fell asleep even as the storm raged around us. Both were very content and I was able to get a lot of stitching done.
We sat in the recliners for a good 2 and a half hours, me happily stitching and they happily snoozing. Life is good.
Beverage: English Breakfast tea
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