Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Over the weekend, the night temperatures were to drop into the low 30's. I realized it was probably time to bring in the geraniums. There may be a few more days in October, those 'Indian summer' days, where they can be out on the deck, but they have probably see their last days in the sun, wind and rain.

Now, they are taking up residence on the kitchen floor until I get around to cutting them back and removing the dead leaves. I also have to go into the back room and make room for them to sit in the south window. They need a good soaking and some fertilizer and then we'll call it a season.

They look marvelous. I deadheaded them about mid-September and they responded with a flourish of blooms. The pink one, at the back, is about 3 feet tall now. It's going to be tough to take about 6 inches off it, but I need to or it will bet quite leggy.

Here comes the "hard" part. I haven't been able to overwinter a red geranium. I bought one this year and it looks very happy in its pot. Can I keep it going all winter?

Beverage:  Edinburgh's Finest tea


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