Saturday, March 27, 2010

Gray watch - month 7

It's top of the shoulder length now. It's at that annoying stage where I can pull it back into a pony tail but some of the layers aren't quite there. And I don't like it gathered around my neck all the time. The remnants of the last dye job are, most certainly, at the end and, if I can ever afford a haircut, would be gone. I am liking this length because it's something different.

Some mornings, when I stagger into the bathroom upon awakening, I wonder what it would be like to have it back to that dark chocolate brown of my, oh say, 30's. At times, I miss that color, deep and rich. It would take 2 hours and a $7.00 box of hair color, on sale at Target with a coupon, and I'd have it back.

But I remember that is not who I am now. I'm not a dark-haired 30 year-old woman. I have gray hair and if I am going to be true to myself in other ways, it begins with accepting the gray on my head.

Beverage: Assam Tea


(p.s. Yes, that is a World of Warcraft calendar on the wall behind me. I took this in my work office and that's the calendar I have up.)

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