Monday, April 8, 2013

More Blossoms

When Flat Stanley was here, the crocus in the front yard finally bloomed.

Sometimes, they will bloom as early as early March. This year, due to the cold weather, they bloomed at their usual time. Funny how blooming early makes you forget they aren't supposed to bloom March 3rd.

Over the weekend, the mass had popped and was blooming.

I have this color all across the front of the house, in little clumps like this. I would really like to lift these and spread them out. I think about that and have gone so far as to mark where the clusters are but that's as far as it gets. When it comes to digging up bulbs in October, it's not high on my list of things to do.

Stanley posed with some just emerging hyacinths in the back yard.

Three weeks later, the bulbs are considerably taller plus the tulips have emerged. I couldn't find the rake to remove the dried leaves. I'll look again tonight. It's got to be in the basement somewhere.

He also posed with the last pile of snow left in the yard.

Dirty and compacted, it was on the north side of the house where the sun doesn't get to in the spring. I took this around noon. By 3:30, it was all gone. The snow shovel still sits on the deck by the back door, however. I'm just superstitious.

Beverage: Yorkshire Gold tea


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