Friday, April 19, 2013

A New Project

All the yarn has been turned into scarves. I am lost without a crafting project. I thought I'd sit and read and I have, going through 4 magazines in the pile. But I still felt that there needs to be a craft project on the ottoman next to me. Funny how that kind of feels like a part of your life.

So, I looked through the paperclipped ideas in the craft magazines and while I thought they were good ideas for great friends, nothing jumped out at me as being something I wanted to make. Looking at the box of magazines without paperclipped pages wasn't what I wanted to do either so I started pulling out the packaged kits I've collected over the years. It took some rooting through the stash. Do I really have that many kits? Apparently, so. I found something to work on. I'm still going back to crocheting scarves, but I need to free up some cash to do that.

This is an interesting kit. First of all, they make a big deal out of telling you the thread is custom dyed specifically for them.

Now, I understand intellectual property rights. I see it all the time in the crafty blogs I read. "This project is intended for your use only. You may make items to sell for charity but do not make them to sell commercially." People work hard on their designs and it hurts them to see things sold for profit when they get nothing from it. I've just never encountered a kit this inexpensively priced that had custom dyed thread. I can probably match from my stash if I ever want to stitch this again. We'll see how it turns out.

This is day 1 stitching.

And here is what I did yesterday. I'm not liking the cross-stitch fabric they use. It's quite stiff. Even rinsed out to remove some of the sizing, I had a hard time getting the hoop to hold the fabric at correct tension.

This will probably go fairly quickly. There are no partial stitches, only full stitches. Once the blocks of color are done, you come back with black and outline things.

This is not very big, 6 by 10 inches. I'm going to have some time next week to just sit so there will be a lot accomplished. I don't have a recipient in mind for this piece, either. I decided, when I looked at the project, that just finishing it was important. Giving it away is icing on the cake.

Beverage:  Water


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