Wednesday, December 26, 2012

White Christmas-Not

The blizzard of 2012 dumped quite a bit of snow on the area of Iowa where I was going to visit.

I think, when people think "white Christmas", this is what they think of. There's about a foot of snow on the ground. It was wet enough to make snowmen and it came early enough before Christmas that most of the roads could be opened up and those waiting until December 24th could do their shopping. It was plastered to the north and northwest sides of trees and outlined them in white.

Yes, I think that's what people think of when they think white Christmas. Not too much. Just enough that it's pretty.

They don't think of this. This is all I have in my backyard. The lawn is still green in places. As difficult as it might have been to shovel a foot of snow, I think that's what I would have preferred for Christmas.

Oh well.

Beverage:  Darjeeling tea


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