Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Next Project

After work, I went to JoAnn Fabrics. In my mind, I knew exactly what I wanted to get for the next sewing project which is also Christmas presents. I found the floral material right away. The 'watermarked' solid below it is for contrast in the project. I really like the design.

But I couldn't find exactly what I wanted for the other project. I know it exists but it was not at this JoAnn. So then it become a case of do I drive over to Hobby Lobby which sells similar kinds of fabric and see if they have what I, ideally, want or do I pick something else? What if I drive all...the...way over to Hobby Lobby and they don't have it? Do I come back to JoAnn or just get something there? It seemed like any cost savings I might have would be eaten up by driving. I decided to get the flame patterned material at the top. It will turn out well and will be an attention grabber, which I know the recipient won't mind at all.

The fabric was on sale 50% off, which was nice. It wasn't as inexpensive as I had hoped. In conversation with a lady who was also looking in the same area as me, she remarked that fabric stores have realized they can tag what we would have called 'plain old cotton prints' as quilting fabrics, up the price and make more profit. She said she hasn't seen any of the $1.99 per yard fabrics in ages unless it's kids stuff in the bargain bin. Since I don't frequent fabric stores as I used to, I can't vouch for her sentiment. Still, even a bit more for the fabric was a bargain compared to regular price and I'm very happy with what I got. Pilchard liked the fabric, too.
Now to finish the last of the ornaments, wash each piece and I can cut out the next projects.

Beverage:  Earl Gray tea


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