Jon and I had to be in the city today to conduct exterior documentation for the "Revive Wacker Drive" project. We worked from Randolph to Monroe, east side, before lunch, and Monroe to Randolph, west side, after lunch. He did digital video and I took still digital photos. This involves sidewalks in front of buildings although I think the sidewalks in most places are going to be removed and replaced.
Doing this means I spend time looking at the ground. I found the above on the sidewalks while walking about. The nickel was actually in the street in the crosswalk.
Jon was teasing me because I stopped to pick up this change. "Who cares about a penny?" he asked, rather rhetorically. I do. I remember being on a job next to an elevated train station. The station was 5 years new and built with the idea that a new city college of Chicago was going to expand into the vacation lot to the south of the station. You would have been amazed at the amount of change I found on the ground under this station where I had to be.
Maybe it's just a penny or a nickel. To the person who lost it, it may not mean much. For the last 30 years, I have had my eyes peeled for this kind of change on the ground. Over time, it does add up. Eight cents every time I go into the city for this project will add up to over $20 by the end of February. That's a pizza and pop, delivered, or my complete water and sewer bills for a month.
So I always pick up the change I find lying on the ground. Perhaps someone doesn't care about the few cents that didn't make it into their pocket. I do and this eight cents went into my lucky cat bank. This is a good way to end a year.
Beverage: Scottish Blend tea
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