Monday, December 5, 2011

Pretty Darn Good

I'm working in earnest on the last craft project for Christmas. While I started wrapping the ornaments on Saturday, I realized that is a time consuming job; to wrap, write out the card, stuff both in an envelope, address the envelope and affix the stickers. I need to get the craft project done first because it has to be shipped.

For some reason, the signal coming to my converter box for the TV was lousy. After trying 4 times to get a decent signal, I decided I was not destined to have football playing in the background while I sewed. Okay, fine. I'll just plug along without it.

Maybe that's a good thing. I did, on occasion, look up and watch what was going on during the games I had on, ostensibly for background noise. Without the TV on, I think I got more done in 4 hours of sewing than previously. I'm up to some minor hand sewing before going back to machine sewing.

I'm pretty proud of this. There's a pocket there. On purpose, I wanted the pocket to blend in with the design. It took some searching for the right place to cut the pocket and then some pinning and repinning to get it in the right position. But, it matched up perfectly.

With some applied work, I'll have this done and ready to ship by the weekend. I still have a couple of gifts to buy and then I am officially done, I think. There's always a nagging, "Whom did I forget?" in the back of my head until about January 1st. Then I can breathe easy and start thinking about next Christmas.

Beverage:  English Breakfast tea


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