Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Yesterday, Rodney and I had to be at a client's offices by 7 a.m. for safety training. In theory, we will not be on their job site other than to assist in installation and removal of lock boxes. But, it has become standard practice for us now to ask about site-specific safety training.

When I started working for this company, 10.5 years ago, safety, while important, wasn't given the priority it is now. I never went through a safety training class. Now, even though we tend to come in at the beginning of a project, before anything is really done on a job, we still go through training. If you think about it, it does make good business sense. Accidents cost money, both in the health care costs, lost wages and lost time because it takes longer to get a job done. Making sure everyone is trained to do the job safely means less down time for everyone.

Given the location of the client, I had to get up at 5 and be on the road by 5:30 a.m. At this time of year, the sun isn't up. It was a gorgeous morning with the temperature hovering around 68. I've been kind of blue lately and being able to drive down a relatively empty highway at that hour with the top down was magical.

Sunrise is a magical time as the earth awakens for the day. The cats were confused about my activity at that hour and I was a bit tired, but watching the sun come up was worth it.

Beverage: Irish Breakfast tea


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