If you have ever received a letter or card from me you know my signature style is to festoon the exterior with stickers. Witness the backs of the few Christmas cards I was able to mail this year.

I like having a variety of stickers. Hobby Lobby routinely puts stickers on sale 50% off and, over the years, people know to get sticker packs for me for Christmas. I'm just as thrilled to receive $10 worth of stickers as I am new socks, tea or underwear. Honestly.
This financial impediment has seriously depleted my sticker stack.

On the other hand, maybe you really didn't like receiving sticker covered envelopes so my running out will be a blessing to you. I have enough, I believe, to make it through summer. Perhaps, by then, I will have righted the ship, bailed the water and be steaming toward a better horizon.
Beverage: Scottish Blend tea
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