Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Mom Beams

If you check out the side section of "Blogs I Read", you notice my daughter's. She just finished the NaNoWriMo, the contest where you are, during the month of November, challenged to write 50,000. I've thought of doing it, but that's as far as it's gotten. I am writing a rather long story and should get back to Chapter 7, but I tend to write only when the mood hits me.

So, I'm proud of her for completing that. If/when she posts the story she wrote, you can be sure there will be a link here.

No, I'm proud for a different reason.

Art has always been a part of our lives. I have a minor in art and some of my drawings hang in the house. Carole was taken to the Art Institute of Chicago, regularly, over the course of her life at home. All our rooms in the house are painted with color. White may be a color but, to me, it represents sterility when all rooms in a house are white or beige or ivory.

It comes as no surprise to me that she has taken up photography. She has an excellent eye and her photos can be quite stunning. She was out yesterday in a balmy start to December and some of the photos are here.

I did think that I wished I'd had my camera today as the city glimmered in the weak sunlight of a December morning. I had to do a download and there are days like this, where the panorama of Chicago is breath taking that I could live no place else. By the time I was finished and headed out of town, the skyline was partially obscured by low clouds in advance of an approaching storm. We are to get rain turning into snow tonight. I have to be out in it, which is not pleasant, but the main yuck isn't to come until around midnight. I will be safely in bed with a cat by then.

Anyway, I do hope you'll take a moment and look at her photos. Yes, mom is quite proud.

Beverage: Assam Tea


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