Monday, September 7, 2015

Perhaps Halloween

Before going to Virginia in July, Carole said she and Larry found "the perfect gift" for me. Who knows what THAT comment could mean. This is what the "perfect gift" was.

For those of you not well-versed in Monty Python and the Holy Grail, this is "The Black Beast of Arrrrgggghhhhh".

Perhaps this is the start of a Halloween costume. This year, Halloween is on a Saturday. The past two years, I've been able to come home and sit in the back with only the office light on, not answering the door. This year, it will be harder to hide.

I will admit that I have, perhaps, grown more curmudgeonly toward the dispensing of treats on this date. It used to be fun, but I don't find it fun anymore. Still, with this hat, who knows.

Beverage:  Water


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