Friday, November 23, 2012


And the last cross-stitch present is completed.

This is not a kit. This phrase used to come in a kit, but by the time I get around to wanting to stitch it, no one has it. So, I bought the instructions for the bottle, grapes and glasses. The wording on this is about friendship and there are background details that I didn't use.

Once that was done, it was a matter of selecting the font and color for the sentences and deciding where the initial and date stamp goes. I pulled up the recliner, popped on the first football game of the holiday and stitched away. I'm quite pleased with the final result.

Now it just needs to be hand washed to remove cat hair, ironed and framed. I'm not sure what the next project will be. I should dig out a partially finished one and actually, gasp, finish it.

Beverage:  Coca-Cola


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