Maybe you've seen a news article about this. This weekend, we are going to be able to see a star in the throes of a supernova. It's exciting because this was discovered as the star started to go nova. Astronomers say we usually only see the remnants of the event and not the event itself. Even if we do find a supernova in progress, it's with the big telescopes and we backyard astronomers can't get a look at it. We amateurs will still have to haul out the binoculars or a small telescope to really see it. It's not supposed to be visible to the naked eye.
If you're interested, it's in the constellation UrsaMajor, also known as the Big Dipper. More information can be found in this article which says, "It will appear, blueish-white, just above and to the left of the last two stars in the Big Dipper handle." Mercury runs tandem with Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation, Leo the Lion. They are visible in the early morning. This is a great time to be a star gazer. The super nova is expected to peak between Friday and Monday nights.
It's supposed to rain starting tonight and going through Sunday. (sigh)
Beverage: Edinburgh's Finest tea
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