Monday, September 13, 2010

Working toward Christmas

I am ready for the next step in a moderate "Do-it-yourself" Christmas. I purchased the paper, it's a heavy artist's watercolor paper, for the cards. I got the envelopes, on sale. I found the linoleum block and the design is drawn on that block. I even bought the printer's ink and it's a royal blue. I'll leave you to guess what the design is going to be if I'm going to be printing in blue on white stock. I also cut the paper into card size. Some cards will be a bit smaller than others but they will all fit in the envelopes.

The next step is to start carving the linoleum block. I have to print, on the inside of the cards, the holiday wishes. Once the block is carved, I can start printing the cards. I thought I had saved the other block I did. It said "NOEL" on the front and I printed some in green and some in red. I can't find the block anywhere so I must have tossed it.

When it gets down to printing, I will do that on the kitchen table. The cats aren't allowed on the kitchen table so I don't have much worry about them hopping up and stepping into blue printer's ink. While it's water clean up, you want to come help me grab Pilchard with her hairy toes and hold her while I wash kitty feet? Didn't think so. Preventing them from jumping up is better than chasing a cat with blue feet through the house.

Beverage: Dr Pepper


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