One of the best parts of having to be gone all day on a job is the opportunity to get lunch and expense it. There are a great number of places to eat in the Mishawaka/South Bend, Indiana area. I considered, very carefully, what it was that I wanted and, I wanted bacon cheese fries from Steak 'n Shake.
I don't want to know the calorie or fat content of this meal. Don't bother me with that. Some days, what you want to eat, what you crave, just blows any kind of calorie restriction out of the water. I got a single bacon cheeseburger and small order of bacon cheese fries. I knew, walking into SnS, I was going to be happy.
And then, I saw it. The shake came out right around Valentine's Day. I haven't eaten at SnS since, I think early January, so I was unaware of this.
Chocolate fudge brownie shake. I still had a bit on the gift card from April and Perry so the shake was free. It was every bit as good as it sounds, every bit. Chocolate ice cream with brownie bits. Heaven.
If I was doing a legitimate diet, I'd have to run to Denver and back to work this off. But, I have satisfied the SnS and the bacon cheese fries cravings. Now, the shake craving is going to be harder. I take my duty to find and test out appealing foodstuffs so you don't have to, seriously. Under my shake is their other new one, Nutter Butter. The only good
thing is that I have to drive to get to an SnS. It's not worth it to
drive just for the shake. That's what will save me.
If you find yourself near a Steak 'n Shake, have a chocolate fudge brownie shake. Oh my. It's almost better than...well...yeah.
Beverage: Lady Gray tea
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