Jon and I went into the city today for a meeting and then to walk the next section of Wacker Driver which is going to be redone. I worked the first Wacker Driver reconstruction project which had us on the job for around 2 years due to the spread out nature of the project. This next section, from Randolph to Monroe, has been put out for bid and we've been asked to supply a proposal for what we do. Big projects like this really should be seen, although a lot of companies rely on Google Earth or other map software to provide a map in the specs. To get a better handle on the scope of this project, Jon and I walked it, taking notes. On the way back to the car we passed this place. As we have a friend named "Perry", I had to take a photo.
We ate lunch at a PotBelly. Had we seen this before we went there, of course we could have commented on Perry's food. PotBelly was okay but it took a long time for them to make my sandwich. How hard can it be to make one of their "Clubbie" sandwiches without tomato and light on the ranch dressing? Jon had finished his potato chips by the time I got my sandwich.
As Perry's Deli is close to Wacker Drive,( just west of the corner of Randolph and Franklin, for my Chicago readers) if we get the job, I certainly will try this out. Hey Perry? What sandwich do you recommend?
Beverage: Blackberry Sage tea
Lately I have been enjoying pastrami on rye.