Sunday, July 11, 2010

I won something!

The Illinois St. Andrew Society was conducting a survey last week. If you were one of the first x number of people to return the survey you won the tickets shown on the left. I'm not the fastest responder so I just filled out the survey and sent it back.

Yesterday, the tickets arrived in the mail. They are good through January 1, 2011. I still have to pay the $9 for parking and for any food, beverages or extra shows and souvenirs I might want, but admission is covered. So, I need 3 friends who would like go on a trip to the zoo.

Beverage: Scottish Blend tea



  1. u've sold stories and now won tickets. maybe it's time for one ticket on the lottery.

  2. You know, someone told me it's all happening at the Zoo. . .
