Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I did it!

I have successfully filed my own taxes for the 2nd year in a row. I am getting a refund from the federal government, a bigger one than last year. I owe the State of Illinois a whopping $8.00. I'll take that.

My financial company was most apologetic about my being unable to access the documents I needed to finish my return. They reset all the passwords and I was able to log in, view and print what I needed. It took me an hour and 15 minutes to finish what I had started on Sunday, print and save all my data, and e-file with both the IRS and the state.

Now I wait, but it's done and done much earlier than last year. I will be able to sit back in April and enjoy my time knowing I don't have to rush around trying to find all my documents.

I think this calls for a glass of Perry's mead.

Beverage: Joe's Ancient Orange Mead


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