Thursday, October 16, 2014


I'm cleaning the basement in fits and starts. Carole wants me to find her history and anthropology books so that gives me an incentive to tidy up some areas while I search. Wheaton had an electronics recycling event last weekend and I got rid of two printers and four bags of cables I no longer needed, in addition to that behemoth of a TV. I really need to be ruthless in what I save and what I get rid of.

In organizing, I stumbled across a stack of these.

This represents a couple years of photos on a medium I no longer can access. "Flowers, July 1996". I wonder what flowers, where. Probably in the yard, which is long overgrown. My friend, Doo, who has lots of computer equipment took the discs and was able to get images off the ones that were not formatted for Macintosh computers. He has a friend who has Mac hardware and who has offered to try to access these.

We thought this technology would last for a very long time. I don't think I have any more random discs in the basement, but who knows. It will be interesting to see what's on these.

Beverage:  English Teatime Tea


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