Sunday, June 30, 2013

I Guess I Need to Go Shopping

Gone are the days when "relaxing" meant a stroll about the mall. I just don't have the a) disposable income, b) the stamina or c) the inclination to wander about a mall. Increasingly, I find that I can do a lot of things online that I normally would have hopped into the car and driven to the mall.

I'm faced with the prospect of either shopping online or going to a mall because my purse and pocketbook are slowly falling apart.

I got this pocketbook several years ago. It was August 2010. Jessie and I went out to dinner and then went shopping for a new purse and pocketbook. What I had was falling apart. I found both a new purse and this at JC Penney. I also had with me, the leftovers from my dinner. I set that down amongst the purses so I could better search for exactly the right one. We were half-way back to my house when I remembered my lunch for work the next say was sitting amongst the handbags. I almost wrote that Penney's an apology note. I didn't mean to do that. It was 'out of sight, out of mind'.

So here we are, many years later. The fake leather on the strap of the handbag is cracked and slowly flaking off in very small pieces. Most importantly, the hasp on the pocketbook doesn't always open or close. I'm finding myself getting more than a little frustrated with the thing now. Perhaps there is a quick fix, but I don't know what it is. One friend suggested a big rubber band. My mom used to do that. She would carry a wallet that contained envelopes and receipts and other bits of paper. She had a big, fat rubber band around that mess and when she needed something from it, life and the line behind her, came to a dead stop while she opened it up and searched for what she needed. I'm not inclined to do that.

I've blogged before about cleaning out all the purses in my closet and weeding things down to just one, one that goes everywhere day in and day out. Oh I have a couple for fancy events and one that is shaped like a cat which I won't part with, at least, not now, but I don't have a half-dozen or more. You only use one at a time so why have more than one?

Yes, I have looked at purses and pocketbooks online. There are some really good deals out there. But this is, for me, very much an individual choice. The pocketbook has to hold the essentials. They have to be organized so I can find them. It also has to fit into the purse. This one was, in hindsight, just a bit too big for the purse. I often can't get it into the purse quickly. Jessie pointed that out all those years ago, but I liked both and have made them work, not quickly some days, but worked.

I guess it's time to head to the mall and look at purses. I'm not relishing this task. Wonder if Jessie is available next month?

Beverage:  Mixed Berry Seltzer


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