Got my geek on this weekend.
The local ampm store attached to BP gas stations has this offer of these four Worldof Warcraft cups for $1.99 each. I need cups like I need measles but they are WOW cups AND they are ONLY $1.99 each. Yes, I got 2 sets because I'm sending one to a friend from Australia. For some reason, they don't have ampms near her. The images on the cups are of legendary villains from the game. Left to right it's Kil'Jaedan, Illidan, Deathwing and The Lich King.
These are, actually, very nice cups. They are at least 16 ounces, possibly more and are a heavy molded plastic. These are very sturdy. The design is printed all the way around. I had to rearrange some things in the cupboard to make room for them, but they are a good value for only costing $1.99.
I posted the above photo on my guild's web site as proof that I'd purchased my cups. I have a lot of guild members who don't have ampms near them so I have a number of requests for cups. I'm going to try to honor as many as I can AFTER I get the car fixed on Friday. The best line was this one. "Ooooh nice, but how much for the cat?"
Beverage: English Breakfast tea
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