Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A new day has dawned

Finally, I am in the 21st Century at the office. My new computer arrived today. It took Jon 15 minutes to set up and then another 10 minutes to get me access to the Internet because the firewall didn't recognize the new computer. I got everything new; mouse, keyboard, hard drive and a large 19 inch monitor. I have the largest monitor in the office. I went from 8.5 x 11 to this. Suddenly, things are all over the screen and nothing is clipped.
BUT.....I don't have some things I have taken for granted. We use Thunderbird for our office email. I had Yahoo Messenger. Both require Administrative rights to do a final installation.
And this is a Dell with Microsoft Office on it. My system software was so old all the pieces of office were scattered across my desktop. It's going to take me a bit to get used to things being in new places.
Gone, however, will be what I experienced this morning; log on, Thunderbird, email, on email to read, email and click "Reply, wait....................................... you get the picture. Maybe now I can have a couple of programs running at the same time without the computer freezing. What a concept.
Yes, it probably could play WOW and no, I don't think I'll load it.

Beverage: Dr. Pepper


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